How a Chiropractor Can Help With Breech Babies

Chiropractors aren’t obstetricians. However, there is one question they keep getting asked by pregnant women, and it’s one patients should probably be asking their obstetrician. The question is, “Do you turn breech babies?”

Here, you’ll learn how to tell if your baby is breech. You will also get tips on how to prevent a breech baby. We will also go into how often breech babies turn and when babies assume the right pre-labor position.

We’ll answer all these questions and more so you can become properly informed about breech presentation.

What’s Breech Presentation?

The vast majority of babies are in vertex or “head down” position by week 34.

If at this time the baby stays head up, we call that breech presentation. After the 34th week, very few babies adjust their position from head up to head down.

When Should Your Baby Turn Head Down?

So, when does a baby go head down? By the 34th week, 90 percent of babies are already in the expected head down position. The vertex or head down position is an indication that the mother is ready for labor and childbirth. It’s a safe position, one you want your baby to achieve by the third trimester.

when should your baby turn head down arise family chiropractic

However, babies do not always turn. There are various reasons why that may not always happen. One of the reasons is that the umbilical cord could be too short. It’s also possible that it has wrapped around the fetus, reducing the ability to adjust position accordingly.

Whatever the reason, breech presentation is never a desirable situation. It’s one every parent wants to avoid.

How Often Do Breech Babies Turn?

The unfortunate answer is infrequently, if they’re not assisted. Once a pregnancy has passed week 34, it becomes less and less likely that the baby will turn. However, you and your Cumming chiropractor can take certain steps to help your baby turn.

Why You Should Care About Breech Presentation

Breech presentation is a common reason for C-section deliveries. That’s why every pregnant woman should know as much as possible about it.

In truth, breech presentations are on the rise. That means C-section deliveries are increasing, too. In 1985, the World Health Organization proposed 15 percent as the highest acceptable cesarean section rate.

why you should care about breech presentation arise family chiropractic

Fast forward to 2015, and the rate had grown to a staggering 32 percent, according to the CDC. The rate hasn’t changed much over the past 4 years. This means that one in every three births is a C-section delivery.

C-section deliveries are expensive — that’s a fact. However, here’s the good news. You can do something to reduce the probability that you’ll have a breech baby.

How to Tell If Your Baby is Breech Without an Ultrasound Scan

So, you want to know if it’s possible to know how your baby is sitting in the uterus.

Doing an ultrasound scan is the most effective way to confirm the baby’s actual position. However, there are a couple of simple ways to determine your baby’s position.

If your baby is not positioned right, you may feel their head pushing against either your rib cage or pelvis. If the pressure seems to be around your pelvis, chances are high you’ll have a normal childbirth.

ultrasound scan arise family chiropractic

What if the head feels to be pressing against your rib cage? In that case, it’s likely that the baby is presenting breech.

“Tracking” your baby’s kicks is another trick to help you know how they’re positioned. Listen to what’s happening. Notice spots receiving the most kicks. If your baby’s kicks seem to be happening around the rib cage area, they’re likely presenting correctly. If the kicks are happening mostly near the pelvis, odds are they’re not presenting properly.

Your chiropractor can tell whether or not the baby is in breech position without doing an ultrasound. They usually do this by pressing certain areas of your tummy. Through this simple method approach, they help you determine where the head, feet, and butt are.

How to Flip a Breech Baby?

Moving a breech baby into the correct position is mostly the baby’s job. If the right environment is created, the baby can help itself.

Your Cumming chiropractor may guide you on how to perform various self-care exercises. Performing exercises to flip a breech baby has become quite common these days and that’s no accident — it helps. Your chiropractic consultant should help you plan on how and when you’ll be doing the requisite exercises.

Can Chiropractors Turn Breech Babies?

No, your chiropractor won’t turn your breech baby. However, that’s not saying chiropractic care doesn’t help. On the contrary, it does. Your chiropractor can use certain techniques to encourage the baby to position itself right.

Our specialists help pregnant women by applying the famous Webster Technique. This method aims to resolve what Dr. Webster called intrauterine constraint.

The method is all about minimizing the pressure on the mother’s uterus. It seeks to correct pelvic misalignment. It also strives to re-establish the connection between the mother’s birthing organs and the brain. Overall, the Webster Technique is less about flipping breech babies and more about empowering them to present properly.

Your Cumming chiropractor tries to relax the ligaments and joints of your pelvis. Doing this creates a more functional environment for the fetus. In the end, you’ll have a bit more room so your baby can turn with ease.

Why should you come in for chiropractic pelvic adjustment with us? We are all qualified chiropractors. In addition, we have all earned our Webster certification.

Get Chiropractic Care for Breech Babies Now

We are here for you at Arise Family Chiropractic. Contact us now. We’ll help you take the necessary steps toward helping your baby turn. You’ll get all the advice and support you need — particularly chiropractic adjustment — to help your baby turn.

We rely on the Webster Technique. It works. Schedule an appointment now.