Plantar Fascitis Treatment for Cumming Residents

Are you experiencing heel pain while walking? If so, you might be experiencing plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a condition where the tissue that connects the heel to the toes (called the fascia) becomes inflamed. As a result of this, you can feel shooting pain and discomfort at the bottom of your feet. It is a common problem that often affects people that are runners or engage in various types of sports.


What are Some Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of?


Normal foot pain caused by strain can be confused with plantar fasciitis. Here are the symptoms you should be aware of if you think that you are dealing with this specific condition.

  •  You feel stabbing pain on the back of your feet in the heel area. The pain can be caused by movement or standing for long periods.
  • The pain may be triggered right when you wake up and get going. This kind of pain is very abnormal and very unlikely to be caused by strain.
  • You feel a sense of strain in the surrounding area. It may be possible that the area extending to your toes may be affected.
  • If you’ve experienced these symptoms, then you want to take steps to treat your plantar fasciitis. Without proper plantar fasciitis treatment, the pain is likely to continue and may even get worse.


The Causes of Plantar Fasciitis


As mentioned earlier, many runners experience plantar fasciitis due to the regular strain and pressure they put on their feet. However, other causes may result in the condition.

  • Obesity can put excess stress on your feet and lead to the condition.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes regularly, like high heels, can lead to the development of the condition.
  • Sports that put a lot of strain on your feet can lead to inflammation, which triggers the pain.
  • If you spend many hours on your feet, you may eventually develop plantar fasciitis problems.
  • Other pre-existing issues like flat feet, Achilles tendon issues, and natural high arches can increase the chances of developing plantar fasciitis.


It’s important to know what may have caused the condition in the first place. To combat plantar fasciitis issues, you want to avoid putting yourself in situations that will lead to the condition getting worse. So if you’ve been wearing high heels frequently, opt for flats and wear additional sole support.


How Chiropractic Care Can Help Treat Plantar Fasciitis


You may think that seeing a regular doctor for your plantar fasciitis is the best thing to do. However, going to an experienced chiropractor for plantar fasciitis treatment may be the better choice. At Arise Family Chiropractic, we use the latest treatments to treat your heel pain and prevent future recurrence. We are a Cumming chiropractor practice that has been treating patients with plantar fasciitis for many years.

Our comprehensive chiropractic services will start by diagnosing your issue. Achilles tendon issues, high arches, and other foot issues may be causing your plantar fasciitis or making it worse. That’s why it’s important to get a complete view of what’s happening to help you restore your feet to their original health. Focusing solely on treating the symptoms may only lead to temporary pain relief.

We use various chiropractic treatments for plantar fasciitis. We will analyze your foot and back posture to see if they are contributing to your condition. For instance, if you have a high heel, it may help to get custom soles for proper support. In that case, you may tend to put all your weight on just the heel of your foot instead of distributing it through your whole foot.

We understand that proper plantar fasciitis treatment will differ for each patient. We use a combination of physical therapy, ultrasound therapy, stretching, and exercises that are designed to help you recover. Our chiropractic therapy is focused on addressing the causes and not cover up the symptoms. As a result, you can expect long term results from our treatments.


Treating plantar fasciitis is not easy. It often requires various types of treatments to stop the pain and get your feet back to proper form. Arise Family Chiropractic has helped many residents of Cumming with their plantar fasciitis and can do the same for you.


Make an Appointment with Us Today. Call 770-406-8208 to schedule an appointment.