Shoulder Pain Treatment for Cumming Residents

Shoulder pain can prevent you from doing the things you love and need to do, especially when the pain becomes chronic and persistent. From exercise to work to having fun with your friends and loved ones, you need your shoulder throughout your lifetime. Whether the pain is the result of a shoulder injury or you’re not sure what is causing the pain, Arise Family Chiropractic center in Cumming, GA can offer a solution to combat shoulder pain.

We offer comprehensive chiropractic services to residents of Cumming who need shoulder pain treatment. The chiropractic care we offer will not only treat your shoulder pain but also find the root causes of shoulder pain so that you can get back to pain-free living.

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain


Many people will experience shoulder pain at some point during their life. The pain may occur as a result of sports injuries or work injuries, or it may be the result of something as simple as constantly working at the computer while maintaining bad posture. Nevertheless, your shoulder injury may arise in various forms, including:

  • Shoulder bursae (bursitis) – your joints consist of fluid-filled sacs known as bursae. Excessive use of your shoulder may cause the bursae to become inflamed, causing swelling and pain.
    Dislocated shoulder – this often happens when your humerus (the upper bone of the arm) slips out of the shoulder socket. Some common indications include a noticeably displaced shoulder, severe swelling, and an inability to move the joint.
  • Frozen shoulder – this is a condition whereby your shoulder gets stiff and is almost impossible to move. It happens when the connective tissues around the shoulder joint become thick and tight.
  • Sprains and strains – these usually occur in the shoulder joint because of excessive use, omitting warm-ups before engaging in rigorous exercise, or lifting objects that are too heavy.
    Tendinitis – this condition occurs as a result of irritation and inflammation of the tendons around the shoulder. The common symptoms of this condition are a dull ache, tenderness, and mild swelling.
  • Rotator cuff injury – a rotator cuff is the series of tendons and muscles that keep the humerus in the shoulder socket. These injuries are usually found in individuals who perform repetitive overhead motions like painting, playing tennis, or pitching.


Besides these injuries, you may experience shoulder pain due to other conditions like:


  • Arthritis
  • Spinal misalignment
  • Abnormal movement patterns
  • Neck and upper back tightness
  • Automobile accidents and sports injuries


Although some of the causes of shoulder pain listed here may show inflammation in the shoulder joint, most of them are the result of a problem with the spine. The nerves that are responsible for controlling the shoulder originate from the spine. In case the vertebrae around the neck, along with the upper back, are injured or compressed, the nerves that run to the shoulder will become irritated and may cause chronic shoulder pain. Additionally, even a small misalignment may interrupt communication between the nerves and shoulder and a series of complications can begin. Therefore, what may seem like shoulder pain can actually be referred pain from the spinal column.


If you are one of the residents of Cumming suffering from mild or chronic shoulder pain as a result of an injury or health condition and you’re looking for a doctor for shoulder pain or a Cumming chiropractor or shoulder specialist, Arise Family Chiropractic center has a chiropractor for shoulder pain treatment that can help you get relief. We not only offer chiropractic care for shoulder conditions, but also help with shoulder and elbow problems.


Symptoms of Shoulder Injury


Due to the variety of causative factors, shoulder pain and unusual motion in the shoulder joint can develop gradually or appear suddenly. The symptoms of a shoulder injury are occasionally quite subtle, but they can also develop into serious issues. Given that the shoulder joint is used in many activities that we engage in on a daily, all symptoms that involve the shoulder ought to be monitored carefully and treated promptly to avoid progression of the problem. The symptoms of shoulder pain that indicate you need immediate attention by a shoulder specialist include:

  • Shoulder pain that persists for over a week
  • Shoulder pain that is frequently on and off
  • Difficulty raising your arm above your head
  • Trouble or pain when lifting objects
  • Pain in the shoulder joint that gets more severe in the evening
  • Any visible signs of damage to the joint like swelling or bruising
  • Unusual clicking or snapping sensations in the joint during movement



Chiropractic Solution for Shoulder Pain


Chiropractic care is a non-invasive and gentle alternative to medications and surgery for shoulder pain that will offer quick and effective relief. The chiropractors for shoulder pain treatment at our center are trained and experienced to deal with problems with the spine and the shoulder complex that cause shoulder pain. To establish the causes of your shoulder pain, chiropractic shoulder pain treatment starts with a comprehensive evaluation process, utilizing information gathered from your medical history along with advanced imaging techniques. After obtaining a correct diagnosis, it will then be used to come up with a personalized shoulder pain treatment plan that will help to guarantee quick recovery.


When you visit Arise Family Chiropractic center due to shoulder pain, our Cumming chiropractor will use a treatment plan that may include physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, corrective exercises, as well as other chiropractic techniques. Rarely do we recommend surgery for shoulder pain to our patients because in many cases, surgery is unnecessary, too invasive, and may not be effective.


Moreover, our specialists can advise you on various ways to avoid or prevent such pain in the future. This can include ergonomic keyboards and chairs, exercising more, improving your diet, and improving your posture while working or resting.


Contact Us Today!


If you are one of the residents of Cumming and you are suffering from shoulder pain – whether you know the cause or not – visit Arise family Chiropractic center or call us today at (770) 406-8208 to book an appointment.